Our new album Disease is now available on all major streaming platforms! Check out the physical CD here on our store and scroll down to find links to all of our streaming pages!
Note on orders:
Orders will be processed after the payment posts. This may add 3-5 business days to receiving the product.
The War is everything podcast
A podcast by Zachariah Turnage and Hunter Chapin of the Christian metalcore band, Blue Fire Horizon, that discusses theology, scripture, metal music, and shares the gospel with the lost and encourages the saints.
Join our Discord
Join our discord to connect and fellowship with both the members of the band and people who like the same music as you! We have channels for every interest or topic you might want to talk about, either over text or through voice. You can join us by clicking connect in the box to the left or by following this link: discord.gg/JJgkJ5km2e. Hope to see you there!